Mediatic representation of the “Other” on games and the potentialities of Homo Ludens (em inglês)
Hatred, racism, prejudice and discrimination are part of the history of Homo Sapiens. According to Harari (2019), these feelings arise with the “imagined realities” that we create, differentiating and hierarchizing the “Other” for their domination, which is exercised, according to Santos (2008), through colonialism, capitalism and patriarchy, to which Brazilian black feminists like Gonzales (1984) and Ribeiro (2017) will add racism and sexism. This article presents the hypothesis of change in the way of thinking of humanity (FLUSSER, 2009), from the cause-consequence relationship of the time-historical-linear logic of the written texts towards the immediate meaning of images through magical-imagetic-circular thinking. From them, the article discuss the concept of Homo Ludens (FLUSSER, 1967), the man who plays, and how the materiality of physical experience with playing cards can help break stereotypes to teach the history of black Brazilian heroines.